Talent Submission
Join Our Team
We are excited to meet you! We are taking submissions for the ages of 4 years to 12 years old. Talent needs to reside no more than 3 hours from the Los Angeles area. Even with the pandemic going, there are some in person auditions being conducted here and there. We don't want our clients missing auditions because they live too far out. Auditions typically come in the night before and our client may need to be at the location of the audition sometimes less than 24hrs of the notice.
Our job as your agent is to help you navigate this industry and help your child accomplish his or her goals. With that being said, we want to be crystal clear and upfront in regards to our expectations of our clients. This industry has its ebbs and flows. There may be times when your child will receive multiple auditions throughout the week. That may require multiple trips to LA, if they are in person. This can result in long car rides, stuck in LA traffic and can overall just be taxing on your patience. Not to mention self tapes which, actually, can have an even SHORTER turnaround time and you may have multiple to do. There will be times when you will have no auditions at all. That can be for many reasons (too many to go into here) but it won't mean we aren't working hard for you. The point after saying all this is, we need clients who are going to be reliable, dedicated and committed to this (sometimes crazy) process.
We know it is super easy to just fill out our submission form, upload a few pictures, hit send and hope for an acceptance reply. But before you do, if you have any questions or concerns that need clarification, don't hesitate to reach out to us and ask. We are here for you and when you do submit your child and he/she is accepted, we need you to be all in. Got it??